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phi29 DNA Polymerase (glycerol-free)
$500.00 - $1,500.00
phi29 DNA Polymerase is the replicative polymerase from the Bacillus subtilis phage phi29 (Φ29). This polymerase is a highly processive polymerase (up to more than 70 kb) featuring strong strand displacement activity, which allows for highly efficient isothermal DNA amplification. phi29 DNA Polymerase also possesses an inherent 3´→ 5' proofreading exonuclease activity, thus the fidelity of the synthesized DNA fragments is very high. 3'-modified primers are highly recommended to reduce the cleavage effect of the exonuclease activity on the primer.
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Cat. No.: P29PGF-1k (for 1,000U)
Cat. No.: P29PGF-5k (for 5KU)
For an updated version that can continuously synthesize DNA at 42°C, please see phi29 HT DNA Polymerase.
The lyophilized phi29 DNA Polymerase is also available by inquiry, which can be transported at room temperature.
The high concentration (1000U/μl) version is available for this product by inquiry.
- Strong strand displacement capability
- Continuous synthesis capability
- High fidelity of amplification
- DNA isothermal rolling loop amplification
- DNA synthesis requiring strong strand displacement
- Rapid replication of plasmids
- Rapid replication requiring high fidelity
Stored at -20°C for 3 years.
- The optimum reaction temperature of the enzyme is 30°C.
- The enzyme can be inactivated at 65°C in 10 min.
- Adjust the concentration of dNTP from 100 to 500 μM according to the type of experiments.
- The addition of Yeast Pyrophosphatase to the reaction mixture with phi29 DNA Polymerase may enhance DNA synthesis.
- Thio-modification at the 3' end of the primers can avoid primer degradation.
Note: All product outward appearance, the size color take the material object as. The picture only supplies the reference.

Only for research and not intended for treatment of humans or animals