Simple-Load™ Plant Direct PCR Master Mix (2X)
$95.00 - $235.00
All products have special prices for bulk purchase, please contact for more details if required.
Cat. No.: SPDP-100 (for 100T)
Cat. No.: SPDP-500 (for 500T)
Simple-Load™ Plant Direct PCR Master Mix (2X) is a specially convenient PCR premix designed for plant samples at double concentration, and after PCR, it can be directly loaded onto gel electrophoresis without the need for adding loading buffer. This product contains ChlTaq™ DNA polymerase, which is engineered for high efficiency and is resistant to chlorophyll, making it well-suited for direct PCR detection of plant samples.
- For plant leaf and other samples, direct PCR detection is possible without the need for DNA extraction. This product exhibits remarkable resistance to various PCR inhibitors present in plant samples, such as chlorophyll, polysaccharides, and polyphenols, among others. It is effective for samples like maize, zucchini, bell pepper, green beans, soybeans, chili, cucumber, eggplant, tomato, and more. Whether the samples are freshly collected, stored at 4°C, or kept under low-temperature freezing, there is no requirement for DNA extraction purification. They can be directly used for PCR amplification of target DNA.
- Minimal sample input, high tolerance. When used in a 20μl PCR amplification system, typically only 0.1-1mm diameter leaf segments are needed for successful PCR detection.
- This product provides a pair of positive control primers to facilitate the confirmation of PCR detection results. These primers are universal for various plants and can amplify a highly conserved 297bp DNA fragment of the IRB18 gene found in most plant chloroplasts.
- The PCR products obtained from this product's amplification have sticky ends with 3'-dA overhangs, which can be directly ligated to T-vectors for TA cloning.
Store at -20°C. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.
- Due to the high sensitivity of PCR reactions, when using the Simple-Load™ Plant Direct PCR Master Mix (2X), please take care to avoid any contamination of the amplification with trace amounts of DNA. It is advisable to set up blank controls without template to confirm the absence of contaminating DNA.
- When preparing the PCR reaction mixture, for 20μl and 50μl PCR reactions, the recommended amount of plant sample is 0.1-1mm and 0.3-3mm diameter leaf pieces or similar-sized tender plant tissues. These can be directly added to the PCR reaction without any additional processing. While this product is suitable for direct PCR with tender fresh seeds, it is not recommended for direct PCR with dry and hard seeds.
- After PCR amplification, consider centrifuging the reaction mixture at 3000-5000g for 3-5 minutes to pellet plant tissue debris, which facilitates the collection of the supernatant for further analysis, such as gel electrophoresis.
- Please ensure the availability of Nuclease-Free Water.
- This product is intended for scientific research by professionals only. It is not to be used for clinical diagnosis or treatment, nor for food or drug purposes. Avoid storing it in regular households.
- For your safety and health, please wear appropriate laboratory attire and disposable gloves while handling.
- Simple-Load™ Multiplex PCR Master Mix (2X)
- Simple-Load™ Plant Direct PCR Master Mix (2X)
- Simple-Load™ Blood Direct PCR Master Mix (2X)
- Simple-Load™ Blood Direct PCR Master Mix (HF, 2X)
Only for research and not intended for treatment of humans or animals
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