Biotin-11-dUTP (1 mM)
$99.00 - $729.00
All products have special prices for bulk purchase, please contact for more details if required.
Cat. No.: B11DU-20 (for 20μl)
Cat. No.: B11DU-100 (for 100μl)
Cat. No.: B11DU-500 (for 500μl)
Biotin-11-dUTP can replace dTTP as a substrate for various DNA synthesis enzymes, modifying enzymes, and polymerases in most cases, enabling biotinylation of DNA. Biotinylated DNA probes can replace radioactively labeled DNA probes in many applications, including in situ hybridization and chromosome localization. Biotinylated probes can be detected using various methods based on streptavidin affinity binding. For example, fluorescently labeled streptavidin can directly detect labeled DNA, or streptavidin can be conjugated with enzymes such as HRP or alkaline phosphatase, or streptavidin can be conjugated with antibodies for indirect detection of labeled DNA.
DNA labeling and detection
Store at -20°C, effective for two years.
- This product is intended for scientific research by professionals only and is not intended for clinical diagnosis or treatment. It must not be used for food or drugs and must not be stored in residential settings.
- For your safety and health, please wear laboratory attire and disposable gloves when handling.
Only for research and not intended for treatment of humans or animals
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