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SiMax™ Spin Column (500 ea)
SiMax™ Spin Column is a miniprep spin column, which can be used for plasmid, PCR products, genomic DNA isolation, as well as agarose gel purification. In a high-salt buffer, DNA is selectively bound to the membrane in the SiMax™ Spin Column. Following a wash step, DNA is eluted in a low-salt buffer or water without alcohol precipitation or desalting.
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Cat. No.: CSD-500
- SiMaxTM Spin Columns for DNA/RNA extraction.
- Silica membrane-based spin column.
- Compatible with Qiagen’s and Invitrogen’s buffer.
- Buffer recipe provided for plasmid Miniprep, Gel extraction, and PCR clean up.
- High qualify for DNA purification and has been used extensively in house applications and by many academic labs.
- Economical for large sample process.
- PCR clean-up.
- Genomic DNA Extraction.
- Isolation of DNA from agarose.
- Plasmid miniprep.
Note: All product outward appearance, the size color take the material object as the picture only supply the reference.
- SiMax™ Spin Column
- SiMax™ Ultra Micro DNA Spin Column
- SiMax™ Premium DNA/RNA Spin Column
- SiMax™ RNA Spin Column
- SiMax™ DNA Spin Column
Only for research and not intended for treatment of humans or animals