Recombinant Human RhoA (Flag-Tag)
$120.00 - $2,535.00
All products have special prices for bulk purchase, please contact for more details if required.
Cat. No.: rhRhoA-10 (for 10μg)
Cat. No.: rhRhoA-100 (for 100μg)
Cat. No.: rhRhoA-1k (for 1mg)
Recombinant Human RhoA (rhRhoA) was expressed in E. coli and subsequently purified. This recombinant protein comprises the mature form of RhoA (1-190aa) with a 3X Flag tag at the C-terminus.
RhoA belongs to the Rho family of small GTPases, which undergo a cycle between inactive GDP-bound and active GTP-bound states. These proteins serve as pivotal molecular switches in signal transduction pathways. RhoA plays a crucial role in orchestrating the dynamic organization of the actin cytoskeleton. Its functions include the regulation of actin polymerization, actomyosin contractility, and stress fiber formation.
Additionally, RhoA governs various cellular processes that rely on the dynamic actin cytoskeleton. These processes encompass cell morphology, polarity establishment, cell adhesion, cell migration and motility, cell protrusion, extracellular matrix interactions, endocytosis, cell cycle regulation, cytoplasmic division, and cell development. Moreover, RhoA influences processes such as transcriptional control and cell proliferation. Furthermore, RhoA is implicated in the modulation of microtubule dynamics.
Recombinant Human RhoA serves as a valuable tool for investigating RhoA interacting proteins, effectors, GAPs (GTPase-activating proteins), and GEFs (Guanine nucleotide-exchange factors). Additionally, it can function as a reliable positive control in Western blots.
Recombinant Human Rho A; Ras homolog gene family, member A; Transforming protein RhoA; Rho cDNA clone 12; RHOA; ARH12; ARHA; RHO12
Physical Appearance
Biological Activity
The specific activity of RhoA was 10.9 nmol/min/mg in GPTase-Glo assay.
≥ 95% by SDS-PAGE
Storage Buffer
20mM HEPES (pH7.4), 200mM NaCl, 1mM EDTA, 2mM DTT, 5% glycerol
Stored at -80°C, valid for one year. Except for Rhotekin-RBD Agarose, stored at -20°C, valid for one year. Rhotekin-RBD Agarose, valid for up to 3 months when stored at -20°C, and up to 1 month when stored at 4°C. Cell Lysis Buffer, Wash Buffer, 100mM EDTA (pH8.0), and 60mM MgCl2 are valid for up to 3 months when stored at 4°C.
- Due to partial inactivation caused by each freeze-thaw cycle of the protein, once the storage solution is initially prepared at the appropriate concentration, it should be aliquoted and stored at -20°C or lower temperatures to minimize repeated freeze-thaw cycles.
- This product is intended for scientific research use by professionals only and is not to be used for clinical diagnosis or treatment, or in food or drugs. It should not be stored in residential areas.
- For your safety and health, please wear laboratory attire and disposable gloves while handling.
Only for research and not intended for treatment of humans or animals
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