Luminescent Microbial Cell Viability Assay Kit
$329.00 - $999.00
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Cat. No.: LMCVA-500 (for 500T)
Cat. No.: LMCVA-2500 (for 2500T)
Luminescent Microbial Cell Viability Assay Kit is a reagent kit used for the ultra-sensitive and wide linear range quantification of viable microbial cell numbers in a culture by measuring the ATP content within microbial cells through a chemical luminescence method. This product is extensively employed for detecting microbial contamination such as bacteria and fungi, assessing microbial growth rates, evaluating the activity of antimicrobial compounds, screening antimicrobial compounds, and quantifying bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms with higher sensitivity and a broader linear range.
- This product is an all-in-one pre-mixed solution, ready for direct use, without the need for solution preparation before use.
- This product exhibits high detection sensitivity and a wide linear range, showing a good linear relationship for both Escherichia coli (DH5α) and yeast (Y187) within the range of 100 to 10^11 cells. When using this product to detect Escherichia coli (DH5α) and yeast (Y187), the signal intensity at a cell count as low as 100 cells/well can be 1.1-1.3 times that of the blank wells. Since the ATP content varies among different microbial cells, and factors affecting intracellular ATP content such as growth stage, culture medium, and the presence of metabolic inhibitors can influence the relationship between microbial cell number and fluorescence, the detection limits and upper limits may vary significantly for different microbial cells. If the microbial cell viability in the sample is relatively low, it is recommended to use the Luminescent Plus Microbial Cell Viability Assay Kit, which offers higher luminescence intensity and sensitivity.
- This product is simple to use, provides stable readings, and offers fast detection, typically taking only about 5-25 minutes to complete. It is simpler and faster compared to other microbial viability assays like CCK-8. You only need to mix the single-use reagent provided in the kit with the volume of the microbial sample, such as those cultured in a medium. After a 5-25 minute incubation, chemical luminescence can be detected, with a typical reading time of 5 minutes, although luminescence signals are more stable at 20-25 minutes. No cell washing is required, and there is no need to change or remove the culture medium. The chemical luminescence signal is relatively stable, with a half-life that varies slightly depending on factors such as the microbial strain and culture medium but generally exceeds 20 minutes.
- This product exhibits excellent stability. The luminescence assay reagents in this kit are stable, with minimal impact on detection performance even after five freeze-thaw cycles, and less than a 10% decrease in detection performance after ten freeze-thaw cycles. Storage at 4°C for 1 day has no significant impact on detection performance, with a decrease of less than 10% after 3 days at 4°C, and a decrease of less than 30% after 7 days at 4°C. Storage at room temperature for 1 day still retains over 50% of detection performance.
- This product offers flexibility and convenience. It can be used for single-tube detection as well as in multi-well plate formats for high-throughput screening (HTS) applications.
- This product is particularly suitable for ultra-sensitive monitoring of microorganisms. Its high sensitivity and wide linear range allow for immediate monitoring of Escherichia coli growth after inoculation. Absorbance measurements taken at 600nm with a spectrophotometer show a noticeable difference in optical density after 1.5 hours of Escherichia coli growth, whereas this product's fluorescence signal can be detected immediately after inoculation, reaching approximately 5-10 times the fluorescence signal of the blank culture medium. Differences in luminescence signals may vary slightly due to factors such as microbial cell type, microbial inoculation density, and microbial culture conditions.
Additional Notes
- The reagent in this assay kit contains luciferase enzyme, which can gradually lose activity when subjected to repeated freeze-thaw cycles. Although it has been tested that up to five freeze-thaw cycles do not significantly affect the detection performance, for optimal results, it is advisable to aliquot the reagent after the first thaw, taking care that the containers used for aliquoting are free from ATP contamination. During the process of repeated freeze-thaw cycles, a small amount of precipitation may appear in the reagent. In such cases, it is recommended to equilibrate the reagent to room temperature and attempt to dissolve the precipitate as much as possible. If any residual insoluble material remains, it can be removed by centrifugation before use, and it has been tested that this does not significantly affect subsequent detection performance.
- Due to the sensitivity of luciferase enzyme activity to temperature, both the microbial samples and the assay reagent should be equilibrated to room temperature before conducting the assay. The reagent can be thawed and mixed by gently shaking at room temperature or in a water bath not exceeding 25°C. Microorganisms cultured in multi-well plates also need to be thoroughly equilibrated to room temperature; otherwise, there may be temperature gradients between the center and the periphery of the wells, affecting fluorescence signal intensity and stability.
- Solvents with a high content of compounds displaying antimicrobial activity may interfere with the luciferase enzyme reaction, affecting the chemical luminescence signal. This interference can be eliminated by setting up control wells with microbial culture medium containing the solvent. Testing has shown that a final system with DMSO content of up to 2% will not affect the reaction.
- Please use white or black 96-well plates or 384-well plates suitable for microbial culture. If transparent 96-well plates or 384-well plates are used, interference between adjacent wells may occur during chemical luminescence detection. It is recommended to use 96-Well Black Opaque Plates.
- The assay manual provides a method for detecting ATP standards, but in practical microbial cell viability testing, it is usually not necessary to measure ATP standards.
- This product is intended for scientific research by trained professionals only and should not be used for clinical diagnosis or treatment, food, or pharmaceutical purposes. It should not be stored in residential settings.
- For your safety and health, please wear appropriate lab attire and disposable gloves when handling this product.
Store at -20°C in a light-protected environment. The product remains effective for at least one year.
Related: Luminescent Plus Microbial Cell Viability Assay Kit
Only for research and not intended for treatment of humans or animals
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