Gene Construction Uni Kit
$110.00 - $330.00
All products have special prices for bulk purchase, please contact for more details if required.
Cat. No.: GCUK-20 (for 20T)
Cat. No.: GCUK-100 (for 100T)
Gene Construction Uni Kit utilizes efficient homologous recombination principles to recombine single fragments together based on homologous sequences; it can be used for one-step cloning of target fragments. This product is suitable for simple construction of up to 3 fragments or single fragments below 5000bp, with high end fidelity.
- 2.5xGC-Uni buffer
- Em-Uni enhancer
2.5x GC-Uni buffer is prone to inactivation upon repeated freeze-thaw cycles, and should be stored at -20°C for 12 months after aliquoting; Em-Uni enhancer can be stored at -20°C for 12 months.
Instruction: Protocol
Related: Gene Construction Pro Kit
Only for research and not intended for treatment of humans or animals
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