Exosome from HEK293 Cells (Ultrapure)
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Cat. No.: HEKEXU-100 (for 100μg)
Exosome from HEK293 Cells (Ultrapure) is a high-purity exosome derived from the supernatant of HEK293F cell cultures, with a purity of ≥98%. It can be used for drug loading and targeted delivery, as well as a positive control in exosome separation and functional studies, making it widely applicable in the fields of biology and medicine.
Exosomes are membrane-bound extracellular vesicles (EVs) with diameters of approximately 40-160 nm and a lipid bilayer structure. They naturally occur in blood, urine, cerebrospinal fluid, and the supernatant of cultured cells. Almost all cell types can produce and release exosomes. As shown in Figure 1, the cell membrane undergoes endocytosis, sequentially forming early sorting endosomes (ESE), late sorting endosomes (LSE), and multivesicular bodies (MVB), which contain intraluminal vesicles (ILVs). MVBs fuse with the cell membrane to form exosomes. These exosomes carry various components from their parent cells, including nucleic acids, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and metabolites, and release them into the extracellular matrix. Exosomes can be recognized and fused by nearby or distant cells, acting as important mediators of intercellular regulation. They play a role in the pathogenesis of various diseases, including cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, and inflammatory diseases, affecting many cellular functions.
This product uses exosomes produced by HEK293F cells. HEK293F cells are wild-type cell lines derived from HEK293, known for their superior transfection rates, higher productivity, and faster growth rates, making them one of the top choices for large-scale recombinant protein production. HEK293F cells are recognized for their high exosome secretion rates and can grow in serum-free media, eliminating contamination from exosomes in serum. Therefore, they are also one of the preferred cell lines for exosome-related research and applications.
- This product demonstrates good consistency and reproducibility. The protein content and particle number of exosomes are quantified and verified through Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA). This product offers high stability, ensuring the reliability and reproducibility of experimental results.
- This product offers high content and high purity. Each 100 μg contains approximately 1×10^10 exosome particles, isolated and purified through non-ultracentrifugation processes. This method not only prevents damage to the exosomes caused by ultracentrifugation but also ensures a purity level of over 98%, effectively eliminating interference from other secretions in the cell culture supernatant.
- This product is convenient to use. It is provided in lyophilized powder form, with the pre-lyophilization buffer being PBS (pH 7.4) containing small amounts of lyoprotectants like sucrose and mannitol, ensuring the stability of exosome proteins and nucleic acids. Packaged in vials, it can be dissolved in pure water before use—typically, add 100 μl of pure water to each 100 μg of this product.
Store at 4ºC, valid for one year.
- After dissolving, aliquot appropriately and store at -80ºC, valid for six months. Once taken out, use it up as much as possible to avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.
- Avoid excessive mixing or shaking to prevent exosome aggregation.
- This product is intended for scientific research use only by professionals and must not be used for clinical diagnosis or treatment, food or drugs, or stored in a regular household.
- For your safety and health, wear a lab coat and disposable gloves while handling.
Only for research and not intended for treatment of humans or animals
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