Universal microRNA Rapid Extraction Kit (Chloroform-Free)
$650.00 - $1,700.00
All products have special prices for bulk purchase, please contact for more details if required.
Cat. No.: UMRP-50 (for 50T)
Cat. No.: UMRP-200 (for 200T)
Traditional microRNA extraction kits are made based on the principle of using isothiocyanate/guanidine/phenol/chloroform (TRIzol method) combined with high-concentration ethanol to adsorb small fragment microRNA onto silica gel membranes. However, the use of phenol/chloroform in this method is increasingly restricted due to its toxic and carcinogenic effects on the body and environmental concerns. At the same time, the TRIzol method has a limited range of applicability, and for certain samples, the extraction of microRNA is suboptimal.
Building on our leading RNA/microRNA extraction technology, this kit innovatively adopts a method that does not use phenol or chloroform to address these issues. The unique universal lysis solution rapidly lyses cells and inactivates cellular RNases. The lysate then passes through a genomic DNA clearance column, where genomic DNA is removed while RNA (including microRNA) is selectively filtered through. After adjusting the RNA with ethanol to set binding conditions, the RNA selectively adsorbs onto a silica-based membrane inside the centrifuge column under high salt conditions. This is followed by a series of rapid wash-centrifugation steps using a special washing solution to remove cellular metabolites, proteins, and other impurities. Finally, pure RNA (including microRNA) is eluted from the silica-based membrane using RNase-free H2O.
- Completely free from the use of toxic reagents like phenol and chloroform, and also eliminates the need for ethanol precipitation steps.
- Rapid and straightforward, significantly reducing the operation time and steps compared to traditional microRNA extraction kits.
- Allows for the extraction of total RNA (which includes microRNA). Alternatively, by utilizing separate extraction procedures, it can yield enriched microRNA fractions and total RNA (>200 nt) – hence achieving isolated, enriched microRNA and RNA.
- Multiple column washes ensure high purity, with a typical OD260/OD280 ratio reaching 2.0 to 2.2. Suitable for RT-PCR, Northern-blot, and various experiments.
This kit can be stored at room temperature for 12 months without affecting its performance.
Only for research and not intended for treatment of humans or animals
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