Human Telomere Length SYBR Green qPCR Kit
$280.00 - $880.00
All products have special prices for bulk purchase, please contact for more details if required.
Cat. No.: HTLSG-50 (for 50T)
Cat. No.: HTLSG-200 (for 200T)
Human Telomere Length SYBR Green qPCR Kit, also known as the Human Telomere Length qPCR Kit with SYBR Green, is a kit designed to quantitatively measure the relative length of telomeres in human samples quickly, efficiently, and sensitively through dye-based qPCR (Quantitative PCR) amplification of telomere and reference gene DNA. This product is contamination-resistant, containing high-quality UDG enzyme and dUTP in optimized proportions, effectively eliminating false positives or low CT values caused by product contamination during PCR amplification.
Telomeres are protective complexes at the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes composed of short tandemly repeated DNA sequences (TTAGGG) and associated proteins. As cells divide, telomere length shortens. Cells with very short telomeres enter a state of senescence, an irreversible halt in cell growth. Therefore, telomere length serves as an important marker for determining whether cells have entered a state of senescence. Telomeres can also act as biomarkers of cumulative exposure to environmental and life experiences and are risk factors for major diseases. Increasing evidence suggests that telomere shortening negatively impacts health and is associated with numerous health problems, including aging and cancer. Thus, quantifying telomere length is crucial in many aspects of cell biology research, including chromosome instability, DNA repair, aging, apoptosis, cell dysfunction, and carcinogenesis.
This kit provides the necessary premix for qPCR experiments, Fast SYBR Green qPCR Mix (2X, UDG), and specific primers. The premix contains Fast Taq DNA Polymerase, UDG enzyme, PCR Buffer, dNTPs, dUTP, SYBR Green I fluorescent dye, stabilizers, and magnesium ions. The kit includes two pairs of primers: a Telomere Primer Mix based on telomere repeat sequences and a Control Primer Mix based on a single-copy gene (Acidic ribosomal phosphoprotein, PO) on chromosome 12, used for data normalization.
This kit is highly sensitive and has high amplification efficiency. The primers detect genomic DNA samples in the range of 1.25-20 ng/μl with an amplification efficiency of up to 95%. Genomic DNA from HeLa cells at different concentration gradients was amplified using the Telomere Primer Mix and Control Primer Mix to generate standard curves. The results showed that both standard curves exhibited good linearity, indicating stable amplification performance and high accuracy in quantifying relative telomere length.
This kit provides Low ROX and High ROX, making it widely compatible with fluorescence quantitative PCR instruments that either require no ROX or need Low ROX or High ROX as calibration dyes. The role of ROX is to correct fluorescence fluctuations unrelated to PCR, thereby minimizing inter-well variability. Such variability may arise from various factors like pipetting errors and sample evaporation. Different fluorescence quantitative PCR instruments have varying requirements for ROX; please choose High ROX, Low ROX, or no ROX according to your specific instrument when preparing the reaction system.
- Fast SYBR Green qPCR Mix (2X, UDG)
- Telomere Primer Mix (20X)
- Control Primer Mix (20X)
- Ultrapure Water
- Low ROX (50X)
- High ROX (50X)
Store at -20ºC, valid for one year. Fast SYBR Green qPCR Mix (2X, UDG), Low ROX (50X), and High ROX (50X) should be stored in the dark and avoid repeated freezing and thawing.
- Before use, ensure the reagents are completely thawed and thoroughly mixed. Avoid generating bubbles during mixing.
- Fast SYBR Green qPCR Mix (2X, UDG), Low ROX (50X), and High ROX (50X) contain fluorescent dyes. Protect these products from strong light exposure during storage and while setting up PCR reactions to prevent fluorescence quenching.
- Tests have shown that this product can withstand up to 10 freeze-thaw cycles without significant impact on performance, but repeated freeze-thawing should still be avoided to maintain product efficacy.
- qPCR is an ultra-sensitive detection method. Perform assays in a standard PCR laboratory. The PCR setup area should be free from potential amplification product contamination. Although this product is designed to be contamination-resistant, it is recommended not to open PCR plates or tube caps in the setup area. Seal and handle PCR products according to post-amplification requirements to prevent high-concentration PCR product contamination of the experimental environment.
- Use filter tips when preparing the PCR system to minimize contamination-induced false positives.
- This product is intended for scientific research use only by professionals and must not be used for clinical diagnosis or treatment, food or drugs, or stored in a regular household.
- For your safety and health, wear a lab coat and disposable gloves while handling.
Related: Human Telomerase Activity Assay Kit by Probe qPCR for TERT mRNA
Only for research and not intended for treatment of humans or animals
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