Catalog Monoclonal Antibody
$122.50 - $875.00
All products have special prices for bulk purchase, please contact for more details if required.
At SBS Genetech, we provide high-quality monoclonal antibodies in liquid form, with purity higher than 95%. The host animal is a mouse and the source is ascites. All antibodies are produced under a strict quality control system, by affinity chromatography (rPA) in vitro, with 0.02M PBS (pH7.4, containing 0.1% NaN3) as a preservative buffer. Molecular weight is 150KD.
Monoclonal Anti-Human IgA Antibody (1mg)
Cat. No.: MAIGA-1
Full Name: Monoclonal Anti-human immunoglobulin A
Protein Concentration: 3.02mg/ml
Storage: Minimum shelf life is four years at -20±10°C and one month at 2-8°C
Monoclonal Anti-Human IgG Antibody (1mg)
Cat. No.: MAIG-1G
Full Name: Monoclonal Anti-human immunoglobulin G
Protein Concentration: 4.82mg/ml
Storage: Minimum shelf life is four years at -20±10°C and one month at 2-8°C
Monoclonal Anti-Human IgM Antibody (1mg)
Cat. No.: MAIGM-1
Full Name: Monoclonal Anti-human immunoglobulin M
Protein Concentration: 2.57mg/ml
Storage: Minimum shelf life is four years at -20±10°C and one month at 2-8°C
Monoclonal Human CRP Antibody (1mg)
Cat. No.: MACRP-1
Full Name: Monoclonal Antibody to Human C Reactive Protein (CRP)
Protein Concentration: 2.75mg/ml
Storage: Minimum shelf life is four years at -20±10°C and one month at 2-8°C
Monoclonal Human FSH Antibody (1mg)
Cat. No.: MAFSH-1
Full Name: Monoclonal Antibody to Human follicle-stimulating hormone (hFSH)
Protein Concentration: 2.0 mg/mL
Storage: Minimum shelf life is four years at -20±10°C and one month at 2-8°C
Monoclonal Anti-HBeAg (1mg)
Cat. No.: MAHBE-1
Full Name: Monoclonal Anti-HBeAg
Protein Concentration: 2.0 mg/mL
Storage: Minimum shelf life is four years at at 2-8°C
Monoclonal HE4 Antibody (1mg)
Cat. No.: MAHE4-1
Full Name: Monoclonal Antibody to Human epididymis protein 4
Protein Concentration: 2.18 mg/ml
Storage: Minimum shelf life is four years at -20±10°C and one month at 2-8°C
Monoclonal Human PAPP-A Antibody (1mg)
Cat. No.: MAPAP-1
Full Name: Monoclonal Antibody to human pregnancy-associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A)
Protein Concentration: 2.89mg/ml
Storage: Minimum shelf life is four years at -20±10°C and one month at 2-8°C
Monoclonal Human PCT Antibody (1mg)
Cat. No.: MAPCT-1
Full Name: Monoclonal Antibody to Human procalcitonin
Protein Concentration: 2.85mg/ml
Storage: Minimum shelf life is four years at 2-8°C
Monoclonal Tg Antibody (1mg)
Cat. No.: MATG-1
Full Name: Monoclonal Antibody to Thyroglobulin (Tg)
Protein Concentration: 4.05mg/ml
Storage: Minimum shelf life is four years at -20±10°C and one month at 2-8°C
Only for research and not intended for treatment of humans or animals
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