2% Alizarin Red S Staining Solution, pH 4.2
$60.00 - $210.00
All products have special prices for bulk purchase, please contact for more details if required.
Cat. No.: 2ARS-100 (for 100ml)
Cat. No.: 2ARS-500 (for 500ml)
2% Alizarin Red S Staining Solution, pH 4.2, is a convenient and rapid staining solution used for detecting calcium salt deposits. It is suitable for staining extracellular matrix calcium deposits in bone, cartilage, and other tissues.
Calcium is the most abundant inorganic salt in animals, serving as a primary mineral component in bones and teeth, as well as participating in various physiological processes like muscle contraction and nerve transmission. In normal conditions, calcium does not appear in solid form outside of bones and teeth. However, in pathological states, calcium can precipitate and deposit as calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate, and other calcium salts in tissues.
Alizarin Red S staining is a commonly used method widely employed in the study of osteogenic cell differentiation, bone cells, or tissue pathophysiology. Alizarin Red S (ARS), also known as Alizarin Red Sodium Sulfonate, is identified by CAS number 130-22-3, with a molecular formula of C14H7NaO7S and a molecular weight of 342.25. Alizarin Red S is an anthraquinone derivative that can chelate with various metal ions to form stable orange-red or deep red complexes. It serves as a good metal indicator and can also be used for colorimetric determination of metal ions by absorbance, acid-base indicator, or spectroscopic determination of metal ions. In histology and tissue pathology, Alizarin Red S is often used to stain or locate calcium deposits in tissues due to its ability to chelate with calcium salts like calcium carbonate or calcium phosphate, forming orange-red complexes.
The concentration of Alizarin Red S in this product is 2%, with a pH of 4.2. It is acidic and suitable for staining extracellular matrix calcium deposits in bone, cartilage, and other tissues. It provides rapid and effective staining results.
Calculating based on using 100 µl of staining solution per slide, the 100ml packaging of this product can be used for staining 1000 slides.
Store at room temperature, away from light. The product is valid for at least one year.
- Reagents to be provided by the user: ethanol, distilled water, xylene.
- Select the appropriate Alizarin Red S staining solution based on the characteristics of your samples, or conduct a preliminary experiment to determine the optimal staining solution.
- The staining time for Alizarin Red S staining solution should be determined according to the calcium salt content of the samples. Observe under a microscope during the staining process and remove the samples for rinsing when the calcium salt exhibits a deeper orange-red color. Typically, a staining time of 5 minutes is sufficient. Prolonged staining may lead to diffusion-related issues.
- This product is intended for professional scientific research use only. It must not be used for clinical diagnosis or treatment, and must not be used in food or drugs. It should not be stored in regular residential areas.
- For your safety and health, please wear lab attire and disposable gloves during the operation.
Only for research and not intended for treatment of humans or animals
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